
Photos of Alana


Here are some photos of Alana.  She wanted to travel and is now travelling with us. She is very colourful and very clever. She is American but has spent most of her life in Europe.  In addition to English she is fluent in Portuguese and Italian. She loves learning languages, cartooning and customizing her clothes. We met her with her family at Freakstock about 4 years ago. We are really looking forward to getting to know her better.


  • Ellie Ellis on December 27, 2009

    Hi Alana.

    Merry Christmas!

    We have never met….but I knew your Dad and Mum when we all lived in Amsterdam. Way back before they were even married. In fact I was the one who encourage your wonderful father to ask her out. Any ways, I just received his Christmas newsletter and went to the jonesberries website. The reason for me writing you is to say…..YOU GO GIRL! How wonderful that you get this kind of life experience…healthy….pure and wholsome. Bless You. By the way my name is Ellie and I live in Portland Oregon.

  • marcia luz on December 13, 2009

    I already miss Alana! Wish you the best for your travels*