
Thanksgiving in Bali

There are many American and Western holidays that I would never want to duplicate in a new country. That is not true of Thanksgiving. It is a holiday of giving thanks for a good harvest and provision of the last year. It is a moment to stop with friends and family to give thanks.

We have been given such amazing hospitality here.  I have been humbled by their generosity, openness, honesty, love and acceptance. Not to mention the amazing cooking we have tasted. It was nice to do something little for them.


We were taken for shopping, for the meal, at the “traditional market” for the meal. balimarket

At one point Andrew counted 41 people at the same time but about 50 came. balitdaymeal

We got some great photos of our friends so I thought I would put them up here.

I am starting to see dynamic equivalents in cultures around the world for Thanksgiving. A few days ago,  here in Bali, there was a festival day in which the streets were full of motorbikes with families in full ceremonial dress and baskets of gifts to show respect for their deities. The Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha. This is when a lamb is slaughtered in remembrance of the Sacrifice where the Koran says God stopped Abraham’s cutting Ishmael’s throat. We were there watching as the men sang, the women watch, they all drank tea and the courtyard was full of sheep waiting for the slaughter. Families would bring home the slaughtered lamb, feast with their families and the poor families that could not afford their own lamb.


  • mwlxuzfrsf on November 6, 2020

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  • Lux on November 27, 2011

    I like the blend of an American and a Muslim holiday in this post.
    Sharing, helping and thanksgiving :]
    I would probably never have the two associated. Thanks!