Housetrucks in NZ

During our NZ trip I was looking for housetrucks and buses that were still being used and lived in. I had seen them in books from the 1970’s, and of course from Mr Sharkeys housetruck page, but I was wondering if there were other housetrucks, weird truck conversions, house-buses, and if they still traveled the […]

TJs 9th Birthday

Celebrated TJs 9th Birthday in New Zealand. TJ woke up with the sun. She made her way through the mist to the semi-visible car and gathered the gifts from the dash. The whole family piled into mum and dad’s tent and opened the first of her gifts. The tents were still soggy with mist when […]


Back at Ngatiawa on our way back up north. We have become quite attached to this place and the people. There is something so amazing about people choosing to live in community. You add a passion for hospitality. How about a strong desire and plan for community transformation. Now make it 8 communities within an […]

Camping in New Zealand

Forget hotels unless you want to go from city to city and New Zealand has way more to offer than its cities. Camping is the way to go. If you are two people the best way to explore New Zealand is in one of the many varieties of campervan we see scouring the country. You […]

Hairwraps and Pizza

So here we are in Christchurch and what do we end up doing? We ended up stayed with Noah and Kate, who still have no mains water. We have a pizza party, of course (Thanks to those who gave us money to do something special here). We then finish off with hairwraps.

Adventures in the South Island

After a couple of initial trips into Christchurch we have gone out for some adventures in the South Island. We have seen lots and lots of sheep. We have discovered doc (Department of Conservation) campgrounds. Much cheaper than your normal campgrounds, a bit off the beaten track but worth it. We went to an observatory […]

Around the edges of Christchurch Earthquake

We are now in the South Island of New Zealand. A man asked me and the kids if we are “refugees from Christchurch”. We said, “no”. “You look like you could be”. Makes you think, doesn’t it. Normal everyday people. People like us. People that look like us. Running away from homes that aren’t safe […]

Friends on the road

One of the first questions we get asked frequently is “What about friends for your kids”.

I know the image that is in their minds. A lonely child traveling the globe with only their shadow to play with. That would be very sad indeed.

Earthquake in Christchurch

We are not in Christchurch and are OK. We won’t be going to the South Island for a long time…. um….. tomorrow. Lots of people around here have been calling friends and families. Some rushed home taking the ferry and rental cars because planes are not going. Local stories of little old ladies crawling out […]